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Labels 46

  • StateIn Review
    CleverThis / QOTO / docker-pgbouncer
    A ticket that has had some code completed to implement but is waiting to pass peer review and is not yet merged in.
  • StateIn Review
    A ticket that has had some code completed to implement but is waiting to pass peer review and is not yet merged in.
  • StatePaused
    This ticket's work started but wasn't finished. It's on hold (likely in a feature branch) and will be resumed later, either due to a blocker or a delay.
  • StatePaused
    CleverThis / QOTO / docker-pgbouncer
    This is a ticket where work began but was not finished. The work was put on hold (likely in a feature branch) and will come back to later. This may be due to the task being blocked, or it may simply be due to the task being delayed.
  • StateUnverified
    All new tickets start in this state. A developer may set it to show the ticket is unverified. This means we haven't agreed to work on it. It will either move to a verified state or be closed as "wontdo."
  • StateUnverified
    CleverThis / QOTO / docker-pgbouncer
    All new tickets start as this state, implied or otherwise. A developer may add this state to explicitly state the ticket is unverified. An unverified ticket is one we have not agreed needs to be worked on. It will eventually either enter a verified state, or simple be closed as wontdo.
  • StateVerified
    CleverThis / QOTO / docker-pgbouncer
    The issue has been verified by a developer as legitimate. It will be worked on and verified tickets are now considered part of the backlog.
  • StateVerified
    The issue has been verified by a developer as legitimate. It will be worked on and verified tickets are now considered part of the backlog.
  • StateWont Do
    CleverThis / QOTO / docker-pgbouncer
    This ticket has been decided it wont be done. This may mean the bug has been determined to not be real (cant verify) or the feature is one we have decided we dont want to adopt.
  • StateWont Do
    This ticket has been decided it wont be done. This may mean the bug has been determined to not be real (cant verify) or the feature is one we have decided we dont want to adopt.
  • TypeBug
    CleverThis / QOTO / docker-pgbouncer
    Something that doesnt work as intended.
  • TypeBug
    Something that doesnt work as intended.
  • TypeDiscussion
    CleverThis / QOTO / docker-pgbouncer
    Anytime a ticket represents a discussion about a subject and doesnt fall into one of the other categories.
  • TypeDiscussion
    Anytime a ticket represents a discussion about a subject and doesnt fall into one of the other categories.
  • TypeDocumentation
    An error or improvement needed in the documentation
  • TypeDocumentation
    CleverThis / QOTO / docker-pgbouncer
    An error or improvement needed in the documentation
  • TypeEpic
    Any first tier epic. That is, an epic which contains only issues as children and will not have sub-epics.
  • TypeEpic
    CleverThis / QOTO / docker-pgbouncer
    Any first tier epic. That is, an epic which contains only issues as children and will not have sub-epics.
  • TypeFeature
    Some new functionality not present.
  • TypeFeature
    CleverThis / QOTO / docker-pgbouncer
    Some new functionality not present.