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Other labels 31

  • Bounty$100
    A bounty of $100 for any open-source contributor who provides a MR that solves this issue. Only the MR which closes this issue will be rewarded the full amount.
  • Bounty$1000
    A bounty of $1000 for any open-source contributor who provides a MR that solves this issue. Only the MR which closes this issue will be rewarded the full amount.
  • Bounty$1000+
    A bounty of over $1000 for any open-source contributor who provides a MR that solves this issue. Only the MR which closes this issue will be rewarded the full amount.
  • Bounty$20
    A bounty of $20 for any open-source contributor who provides a MR that solves this issue. Only the MR which closes this issue will be rewarded the full amount.
  • Bounty$250
    A bounty of $250 for any open-source contributor who provides a MR that solves this issue. Only the MR which closes this issue will be rewarded the full amount.
  • Bounty$50
    A bounty of $50 for any open-source contributor who provides a MR that solves this issue. Only the MR which closes this issue will be rewarded the full amount.
  • Bounty$500
    A bounty of $500 for any open-source contributor who provides a MR that solves this issue. Only the MR which closes this issue will be rewarded the full amount.
  • bug
    CleverThis / Parent POMs / CleverThis POM
  • duplicate
    CleverThis / Parent POMs / CleverThis POM
  • enhancement
    CleverThis / Parent POMs / CleverThis POM
  • help wanted
    CleverThis / Parent POMs / CleverThis POM
  • invalid
    CleverThis / Parent POMs / CleverThis POM
  • question
    CleverThis / Parent POMs / CleverThis POM
  • Spike
    A ticket for learning a tool or technology that is needed to be able to do future planning and design.
  • StateCompleted
    The ticket has been fully implemented, completed, and merged with the source code. This label should only be applied once a ticket is closed.
  • StateIn Progress
    A ticket that is actively being developed.
  • StateIn Review
    A ticket that has had some code completed to implement but is waiting to pass peer review and is not yet merged in.
  • StatePaused
    This ticket's work started but wasn't finished. It's on hold (likely in a feature branch) and will be resumed later, either due to a blocker or a delay.
  • StateUnverified
    All new tickets start in this state. A developer may set it to show the ticket is unverified. This means we haven't agreed to work on it. It will either move to a verified state or be closed as "wontdo."